In this space we will offer glossaries and dictionaries that our employees have been generous enough to offer for free use.
The glossaries are more useful the more specialized they are. A good example is the Dictionary of Pattents Abbreviations, Antonio Robles Carrillo’s work that will soon be adding to your free consultation. Unfortunately, not always available on the author’s reference, the glossaries have proliferated on the Internet anonymously, filling it with content. We will Offer some links to pages that offer useful dictionaries and glossaries.
Now it pays to be careful. There are specialized technical dictionaries have spent many years on the market, which are updated regularly and are a valid and reliable tool for consultation. They are the fruit of hard work by prestigious publishing groups, and we believe we must make mention of the most significant.
We hope you find interesting and, above all, useful information.
What they offer is the result of a lifetime of work.
These dictionaries or glossaries are provided to us by our translators. Most are in the editing process. We apologize for that.
Diccionario técnico de siglas y abreviaturas de patentes. Antonio Carrillo Robles. (español / inglés) (en proceso: incluimos las tres primeras páginas).
Diccionario de Patentes.pdf
There are real technical dictionaries references in the sector:
But in reality there are hundreds of reference works. As an example, we provide some examples of technical dictionaries English / pish.
Diccionarios Técnicos Inglés Tradux.pdf
It would be an endless list. Here we offer some examples:
There are many places online that offer specialized glossaries. For example: